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Cock Stuffing

Many years of sounding has its rewards.

So you're a homosexual who's anus is the size of the panama canal, and you can find your prostate simply by looking between your legs. What on Earth can you possibly do to get your rocks off when there's no constrictive orifice left on your body in which to insert phallii.

Well, with the help of some lubricant, a wide range of gadging rods, and a lot of patience, you can enter the wild world of cock stuffing.

First, you need to widen your pee-hole by slowly inserting long metal rods into the shaft of your penis. Increase the gadge of the rods with each consecutive insertion. You'll soon be sounding out the hole to a larger and larger girth.

With care and persistence, you'll be able to insert large household items into the shaft of your erect penis. Eventually, and this is the ultimate goal here, you will be able to accomodate an entire penis within the shaft of your member.

While this may be a bit extreme for some, it's a gateway to pleasure that is open to only the most dedicated of faggots.

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