Talismans![]() Easily the most widespread of these occult objects is the talisman. With the exception of a few hardline graven-image-abhorring Protestant Christians, virtually every religion in human history has offered adherents small decorative objects which purport to do anything in a range between healing boils and guaranteeing eternal salvation. From occultists to Benedictine monks, you won't find many people who haven't owned some sort of talisman at some point in their lives. A talisman is a small object, often metallic, which contains an inscription or etching designed to accomplish some specific purpose. Talismans are often worn on the body, most commonly as rings or amulets.
Early talismans often featured symbols of sacred geometry, such as mandalas, pentagrams, hexagrams and spirals. The oldest talismans consist of symbols scratched into stones, sometimes with a hole cut for a cord, allowing the object to be worn as a pendant. The most common association with the word talisman is the medieval incarnation of the object. Starting in the Dark Ages, humanity's love affair with the occult kicked into high gear. Medieval sorcerors would inscribe intricate designs on flat pieces of metal, which would be worn as an amulet. The designs were usually derived from grimoires, or spellbooks, which purported to contain ancient esoteric secrets.
(The Tetragrammaton was actually YHVH, the Hebrew root for Yahweh, or Jehovah, according to the Kabbala and the Old Testament. The letters make an acronym in Hebrew for "I Am Who Am," which is how the Burning Bush described itself to Moses. At one time, this was a closely guarded secret, though it's been pretty much Rosebudded at this point. Later, medieval revisionists would decide that YHVH wasn't secret enough, claiming that there was an even more secret name. One such was AGLA, but there were a number of variations in circulation.) Western civilization eventually emerged from the Dark Ages (arguably), but the talismans survived. The Catholic Church was (and remains) a great purveyor of the goodies, often spiced up with a bone chip or dried intestine from a saint, Relics which were hot commodities during the Middle Ages and well through the Renaissance. Of course, the church in those days rarely missed an opportunity to turn a profit on schlock merchandise, such as medals and free passes to heaven (known as indulgences).
Many Catholic saints also have medal talismans of their own, with various beneficial properties appropriate to each saint's jurisdiction. St. Francis medals are very popular, and St. Christopher rides many a dashboard, magically deploying his metaphysical airbag on behalf of the passengers. Another popular Catholic item is the scapular, which is two pieces of cardboard attacked by string which retails (even today) for $14.99. But you aren't just paying for cardboard and string. For instance, the Padre Pio scapular (shown here) guarantees eternal life in Heaven to anyone struck down while wearing it, or your money back. (Since Padre Pio isn't even a saint yet, this might be some kind of bootleg item.) Although the Christians had an early start mass-producing sorcerous merchandise, talismans are also very popular among Hindus, Taoists and Buddhists. And Hindu and Buddhist talismans are even more popular among non-Hindus and Buddhists!
Buddhist and Taoist talismans and medals (featuring mandalas, yin-yangs, Chinese and Japanese alphabet symbols, or I-Ching hexes) are very popular with enlightened Westerners, a small minority of whom are rumored to have taken the time to learn what the symbols mean before buying a pendant or having it permanently tattooed on their bodies (this claim could not be independently verified).