Holocaust Denial![]() Nevertheless, people do. Among them, such internationally-respected historians as David Irving, Arthur Butz, Ernst Zündel, and Robert Faurisson. They have worked hard to discredit the prevailing theory that the German government systematically and covertly rounded up and killed millions of innocent civilians. Those chuckleheads certainly have a long row to hoe. Despite all their best efforts, the Nazis left behind huge piles of incrimating paperwork. Where have you heard the words Sonderwagen and Vergasungskeller? And don't forget the eyewitnesses, people who survived the death camps. But even without any of these documents or testimony, Matlock could have prosecuted the Nuremberg trials singlehandedly by demonstrating that the Nazis had the motive, means, and opportunity to commit genocide against the Jews.
motiveIf you're one of those Hitler-loving white supremacists, that means you've necessarily gotta hate Jews. There's really no two ways about it. (Let's not hear that old bullshit about not hating anybody but just loving the white race. Nobody's falling for it.) You probably also believe the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to be genuine, since he did.It is an inescapable fact that Adolf Hitler wanted the Jews dead. As early as 1939, Hitler's public speeches included promises of the coming "annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." What do you think all of that anti-semitic propaganda was about? Der Ewige Jude, hello? So face it: from the Führer on down, the Nazis had a total hardon for getting rid of the Jews. Preferably by permanent means.
meansAll documentation aside, the apparatus was still there when the Allies rolled in. Railways. Death camps. Zyklon-B. Crematoria.And spare us the pseudoscientific number-crunching proving that the Germans didn't have enough coal to incinerate six million corpses. You only need the coal to get the fires started. The bodies themselves serve as fuel for the fire. Meat burns, you dumbass.
opportunityNuremberg laws. Ghettos. Gun control. The war.